Fall, life and all in-between.

Hey everyone!

I’m not going to lie, it’s been a rough week, some weeks are more difficult than others. That’s perfectly fine, just have to make the best of it. It’s getting closer by the day to the date my mom died last year. It’s hard, yet somehow we keep going and somehow we make it all work. I’ve been going for long walks with the dogs, working on my book. I deeply appoligze for the day’s I’m not posting anything. But I have told myself to get it together, post something everyday and work harder than ever both on my blog and on my book. This is going to work, and I’m going to be dame sure I do anything in my power to make it work. I know that If I can dream it I can make it happen. So, raising my glass — “Here’s to new and better beginings!”

I’m planning December by the day and I’m so excited to take y’all with me on the journey of December this year! It’s going to be amazing, no matter what happens I tend to make it the best of the best!

Coming up next week, is sort of a little of everything, some new recipes and dinner ideas that’s perfect for the whole family – weekday dinner.

On top of the Christmas planning, Book writing, there is Thanksgiving dinner, I’m having my sister Belle, her wonderful mom, her boyfriend and her grandmother over for dinner this year. We’re five people in total. Everything is partly under control, but you know how the holiday’s goes- Every year there is at least one thing not going as planned. At LEAST ONE! more often than not, more than one. But somehow it’s sort of become a part of the holidays, looking at it this way — It would be wired if everything went as planned. Creating new, family memories. It’s wired how we can fallapart one holiday and laugh about the next. I remember one year I was really sick, and my mom was like, no matter what we’re having Thanksgiving because I know it’s your favorite holiday and I know how much it means to you, I’m helping you — We’re having Thanskgiving dinner this year as well. Together we made the most amazing Thanksgiving I’ve ever had, and I will alwyas remember that.

I can’t really talk about my mom without crying, not yet. But this was a memorie worth sharing. ❤

Next weeks blog posts are planned, hopefully everything goes as planned.

I hope all of you have an amazing Saturday and Sunday and I will be back on Monday with a new post. 🙂

  • Hetty

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